Friday, May 18, 2007

The Horse that became small

The horse has grown(?) small. It was in the same place outside a departmental store. When I was a child, my biggest fond was to climb on this horse and go for a ride. It cost 25 paises and ride was about 3 minutes. Steel horse never showed any expression except oscillating and I never cared about. Horse was too big for me, I struggled to climb on it. My mom used to help me in climbing the horse and I used to shout at her for helping me. It hurted my ego and I wanted to climb of my own. Though the ride was short it was interesting and memorable. My mother had a hard time pulling me out of horse and taking me home.
2 years before I went to my home. The horse was in the same place outside that departmental store. But it has grown small. I saw a small kid trying to climb it and he was fighting with his mom for helping him.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


Recently US flag was distributed in my office. I kept it above my computer. Later I noticed that there are small letters on the side of flag, when I went and looked closely it said "Made in China".

Made in china in US flag. Does it say symbollically China is biggest exporter for US

What do you say??

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Global Cooling (???)

I recently read an article in Economist. A scientist Govindaswamy Bala from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, California, had proved that cutting down trees will actually cool the planet. The reasons are

1. Trees are dark, which aborbs more light and which inturn heats up land and consumes more underground water through transpiration

2. Bare lands causes more carbon di oxide which forms layer in the atmosphere which is thicker than current air which reflects sun heat making earth cool.

But where will we get the oxygen to breathe? may be we have to start our own photosynthesis.